If it not from faith, it’s sin.

Live to Love Scripture Encouragement - A podcast by Norm Wakefield

Romans 14:23 But he who doubts is condemned if he eats, because his eating is not from faith; and whatever is not from faith is sin. To get the most out of today’s verse, we need to back up and get the last sentence from vs. 22. “Happy is he who does not condemn himself in what he approves.” Today’s verse explains how a person condemns himself? In the context of the Roman situation, when faith worked, there was no doubt because he clearly sees how his actions are loving both God and others. He knows Jesus’ mindset and disposition toward his actions, (revealed in God’s word) so there is no doubt. He knows he is loving with Jesus. In contrast, when a person has some doubt that what he has done or is about to do is good or approved by God, he should not do it. The absence of faith reveals that God isn’t working, and if God isn’t working in and through the action or words, then it falls short of the glory of God. We’ve learned from Rom. 3:23 that any action that falls short of the glory of God is sin. Therefore we can draw this conclusion: If our actions are not from faith, not from our relationship with the Holy Spirit in submission to Jesus as Lord, then for us, that action is sin. We must remember what Paul wrote earlier in this chapter. Each person is accountable to the Lord for what he does. The Lord is the one he serves and to whom he will give an account. We are not to judge our brothers and sisters according to our faith on issues that are not clearly stated in God’s Word. Let’s say that one brother is not free before God to drink wine. Since he is convinced in himself, he’s not tempted to drink wine if another brother does. Then both are free to act according to faith, and thus they glorify God together, even though they differ. However, if one brother is weak in his stand and is tempted to drink when he doubts that it pleases the Lord, then it is a sin for the other brother to drink in his presence. His drinking cannot be from faith because God’s Word clearly tells him not to drink if it stumbles his brother. In the presence of God and in the presence of his brother who is weak in his stand, faith can only stand on the grounds of love. He cannot drink freely without condemning himself because his brother might be led into sin. Understanding this encourages and guides us in our living to love with Jesus. My highest good is to walk by faith out of a relationship with Jesus through submission to the Holy Spirit. My brother’s highest good is the same. Therefore, the loving thing to do with anyone is to encourage them to seek the Lord’s will and walk by faith, treasuring Christ above all others, including ourselves. We rejoice with whatever our brother chooses if we know he thinks he is walking by faith. Whatever they choose to do is on them, and not us. Before I close, let us ask ourselves, are we doing anything in our relationship with God and with others that we doubt pleases the Lord? If so, will we repent today and make it right as an act of love to Christ and whoever is involved? Have we honored the Lord and our brothers and sisters by recognizing their faith before God as holy to the Lord? If we have, let us rejoice in the grace God has given us. In so doing, we are treasuring Jesus Christ as Lord. We are loving Him and loving with Him. Acknowledgment: Music from “Carried by the Father” by Eric Terlizzi. www.ericterlizzi.com