Live today in view of “that day.”

Live to Love Scripture Encouragement - A podcast by Norm Wakefield

Romans 8:19 For the anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God. Have you ever looked forward to the unveiling of a new product or the premier presentation of a much anticipated movie or the arrival of a new episode of a favorite tv series? Ok, I know, there’s no adequate earthly corollary to the anticipation of the revealing of the glory of God in Christ and His adopted sons and daughters. But those illustrate what Paul wanted his readers to feel as they considered the unworthiness of comparing their present sufferings with their inheritance of the glory of God. Not only are the heirs of God excited about what is to come, but all of creation eagerly waits for Jesus’ return in glory. This isn’t the only time in Paul’s letters that his solution to suffering and problems in life is to remind his readers of the glorious return of Christ (2 Thess. 2). As you read Paul’s letters, you discover that he lived each day in view of “that day”—when we all will be revealed in glory with Jesus. However, the glory is only revealed in light of our suffering. For instance, on “that day” everyone will give an account of his deeds and words. Then, for the sons of God, the glory of God’s justification, redemption, and salvation will be seen in all of its glory. Since we know things are going to be revealed in this way, we repent today of living for ourselves and embrace our redemptive purpose—to live to love with Jesus for the glory of God. We actively, eagerly wait for our unveiling by loving in the power of the Holy Spirit. So, we are doing more than just enduring suffering until the end of all things, we are advancing God’s kingdom through the life of His Son as we abide in Him and love with Him. We are pressing on to what lies ahead, and what lies ahead is glorious if we live today in view of “that day.” Acknowledgment: Music from “Carried by the Father” by Eric Terlizzi.