Love and hate coexist in God

Live to Love Scripture Encouragement - A podcast by Norm Wakefield

Romans 9:13 Just as it is written, “Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated.” In this verse, Paul cited God’s Word, which has not failed, in answer to the declaration of God’s faithfulness to His Word in 9:6. “It is not as though the word of God has failed.” Every promise of God was and is laser focused on His Son, Jesus Christ. We also note that the promise is connected to God’s love. “Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated.” The children of God cannot be separated from God’s love anymore than Jacob could be separated from God’s love—regardless of what he did. As we all know, Jacob was not an outstanding example of personal achieved righteousness. What summarizes Jacob’s life? God loved him. That will also be the summary of all of the lives of the children of God. It won’t be remembered for what we did or didn’t do. Our only boast will be, “God has loved me in Christ!” What many of you will probably do is miss the great declaration of God’s love because you are shook by the idea that God hated Esau, or for that matter anybody. If God is love, how can He hate Esau? The answer is simple, and we all understand it to some degree. Love cannot exist without hate. If you love something, you hate anyone who works to destroy what you love. God must hate everyone who is hostile to the highest good of those He loves. So love and hate must coexist in God. Do we love Jesus? If we do, then we should hate everything that is hostile to Jesus. We should hate any sin that easily entangles us and trips up our brothers and sisters who are in Christ. We should hate anything that separates us from any member of the body of Christ. Jesus does. May we love everyone who Jesus loves with a jealous love—jealous for Him to receive the glory as we love, forgive, forbear, and encourage one another. Acknowledgment: Music from “Carried by the Father” by Eric Terlizzi.