Love flows in the context of a home setting

Live to Love Scripture Encouragement - A podcast by Norm Wakefield

Rom. 16:10b-11 Greet those who are of the household of Aristobulus. Greet those of the household of Narcissus, who are in the Lord. I am presently coming to the end of a three week ministry trip in South Africa. I love this nation and these people. Just saying. I also feel like they love me as well. God has and is doing wonderful things in His people here. During my week in Jeffrey’s Bay, I had the privilege of building relationships with several house church groups which meet in homes on a weekly basis. As I’m writing, I can see their smiling faces and remember the encouragement we enjoy as we fellowship together in the Lord. I am aware of Jesus’ love for them when I’m with them, and I’m also blessed by the love of Christ I experience from them. When I read Paul’s greeting to the households of Aristobulus and Narcissus, I can relate to his experience. Paul may have had in mind all of the family and servants of each of these men or he could have in mind a certain group of believers who regularly met in their homes like I envision in Jeffreys Bay, South Africa. Irregardless of which is true, it is clear that the love of Jesus flowed between Paul and these two men and those who were connected to their homes. When we love with Jesus, we may expect to form love connections with families and groups of brothers and sisters who love Jesus. This is certainly true if you do much traveling and sharing with believers in various locations like I do. I hope you have fellowship with other believers within the context of the home where the love of Jesus flows freely and consistently. Everyone benefits from such fellowship in the Lord. It’s vital to growing in love and living to love with Jesus.