Love others, not by the letter of the Law, but by the grace of God.

Live to Love Scripture Encouragement - A podcast by Norm Wakefield

Romans 7:7 What shall we say then? Is the Law sin? May it never be! On the contrary, I would not have come to know sin except through the Law; for I would not have known about coveting if the Law had not said, “You shall not covet.” The question in vs. 7 rises out of his teaching that the Law aggravates sin, brings it out into the open so we can see that we are sinners in need of a savior. Does that mean that the Law is sin if it stirs me to sin? Paul again answered with a strong, “No. Not. Never!” In today’s Live to Love Scripture encouragement, we gain further insight into God’s purposes for the Law. Paul detailed another purpose of the Law: to define sin or to reveal what actions are transgressions against God.  Paul could have chosen any of the Ten Commandments to illustrate his point, but he chose the tenth, “You shall not covet.” He said that he would not have known that coveting was a sin, much less that he had sinned against God in that way without the Law. The Law of God, to those who love God and His Law, helps us see how super-abounding God’s grace is. When we live to love with Jesus, we have Jesus’ worldview dwelling within. As we abide in Him, we think according to three foundational worldview truths. I’ve shared them before, but I don’t think we can repeat them enough, because they aren’t natural. They are supernatural. They reveal the mind of Christ. They are explained in chapter 2 of my book, Live to Love. 1. There is only one God from whom are all things, and He is love. 2. Jesus’ love is enough. Jesus’ love satisfies my soul. 3. God’s purpose in all things is to make me like Christ and prepare me for eternity.  When we believe that everything we have (or don’t have) issues from God’s love and we believe His love fills and satisfies our souls, then we are content with God and His purpose for us. In contrast, covetousness rises out of the soul of someone who isn’t content, feels like they need more than they have been given, and isn’t satisfied with Jesus.  If you have purposed today to live to love with Jesus, you are not doing so because the Law requires you to do so. You aren’t trying to prevent coveting what others have because the Law says it’s a sin. Paul’s point was that you are freed from the Law and that it has no jurisdiction over you. Why? Because now you have a higher motivation for righteousness, namely, the grace and love of God. The result is a righteousness that is higher than the Law. You not only don’t want to covet what others have, you want to give to them whatever they need to become more like Jesus and find satisfaction in Him.  I hope this encourages you today to not live to keep the Law as you love people, but instead live to love with Jesus. Give Him access to all that you are for the highest good of those God puts in your path. Acknowledgment: Music from “Carried by the Father” by Eric Terlizzi.