Loving with Jesus is a choice according to God’s will.

Live to Love Scripture Encouragement - A podcast by Norm Wakefield

Romans 9:7 nor are they all children because they are Abraham's descendants, but: "through Isaac your descendants will be named.” Again Paul taught the Romans that God’s plan and love extended beyond the direct fleshly lineage of Abraham. The children of God are not such because they are descendants of a particular father. Abraham had descendants who were not considered his children from God’s viewpoint. Furthermore, the promises to Abraham were narrowed in scope to exclude Esau who gave up his birthright. Paul will talk more about these two later. For now, the point is that God chooses upon whom He will set His love for that’s how the love of God works for us and through us. When we live to love with Jesus, our love is a choice, not a reaction. The faithfulness of God to fulfill His word cannot have as its basis anything human, natural, or fleshly. Then the possibility of something separating the recipients of His love could occur. But if the love of God is based on the purpose and will of God, then nothing can separate them from His love. They are children of God because God’s word and promises were intended for them. What encouragement and grace can we derive from this verse to help us live to love with Jesus? If we know the nature and character of the love of God in Christ that we have received, then we can surrender our lives to be men and women who express His wonderful love. If God has set His affections on someone and they are His children, regardless of their ethnicity, gender (and by that I mean, whether male or female), social or economic status, or even behavior, we love them by the will and choice of God. The direction of my choices toward them for their highest good will be sustained by the grace of God through the power of the Holy Spirit for the glory of God. Every other kind of worldly love fails. A love based on anything in the life of the person who we know God wants to love, will tire, fail, and ultimately be lost. So today, let’s remember what Paul taught in this verse. Loving with Jesus isn’t based on what we get from those He puts in our paths or what they do or don’t do, but it is based on our choosing to express God’s love for them for His glory. Acknowledgment: Music from “Carried by the Father” by Eric Terlizzi. www.ericterlizzi.com