Make other’s sins a footstool for Jesus’ feet.

Live to Love Scripture Encouragement - A podcast by Norm Wakefield

Hebrews 1:13 But to which of the angels has He ever said, “Sit at My right hand, until I make Your enemies a footstool for Your feet”? We remember that the author was laying down the foundation for trusting in and relying on Jesus Christ and the new covenant He inaugurated. The old was given through the agency of the angels, but the new is given through the agency of the Son, who is greater and more excellent. Our verse today is a question, and the answer is obvious. God hasn’t said to any angel to take a seat at His right hand until I subdue all your enemies. He has only said that to Jesus, His Son. Here’s the encouragement I draw from this verse. Every enemy to my loving as Jesus loves will be subdued eventually. There will be a day when Jesus will have the total victory over every one of His enemies. His enemies are our enemies. We are also encouraged by the fact that God is for Him. It is God who will “make” His enemies a footstool for His feet. If God is for Him, who can be against Him? No one! The same is true for us. God is for us! Who can be against us? No one. Romans 8:32. “He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him over for us all, how will He not also with Him freely give us all things?” This was the apostle Paul’s foundation for rejoicing in God’s inseparable and all-victorious love. Because He loves us and is for us, every enemy that could separate us and destroy our relationship with Him is His enemy also. That’s the love we have indwelling in our hearts. So that’s the love we have in us and is the same love with which we can love one another. One of the greatest enemies of our relationship with Christ is our own sin. Jesus has conquered it by His love. One of the greatest enemies in any relationship we have is the other person’s sins. Shall we let their sins have the victory? No! Never! Through the power of the cross and the indwelling love of Christ, we forgive, confront, communicate, overcome, and make those sins a footstool for His feet. In so doing, God fulfills what He promised to Jesus, “I make your enemies a footstool for Your feet.”