Make our Father glad by living to love with Jesus

Live to Love Scripture Encouragement - A podcast by Norm Wakefield

2 John 4 I was very glad to find some of your children walking in truth, just as we have received commandment to do from the Father. It is obvious from this scripture that John had a personal relationship and interaction with this community of saints. He had found some of their members to be walking in truth, meaning they were walking with Jesus in love for one another. If I may make a few observations. First, when John came to this church, not everyone was walking in the truth. This is probably true of most church communities. Not everyone who attends church understands and lives in the truth. There will be some who, although they know they are commanded by God to love with Jesus, do not obey it. Their lives will not be characterized by grace, mercy, and peace. Let’s pray for them that the Father will bring them into the truth. Second, John found that there were some in their fellowship who were walking in the truth. For the sake of the truth, they loved one another. Let’s not miss this point. Such love flowing in one’s life is obvious. It’s noticeable. I visited a church recently which had experienced the live to love adventure and followed it up with a study of my book Live to Love. I met two couples who testified that the reason they came and stayed at the church was that it was obvious to them that there were many who loved Jesus and His love was flowing in the congregation. They could testify, like John, that they found some of her children walking in the truth. That’s the kind of church you should look for and with which you should fellowship. Hopefully that can be said about your church and yourself. Third, we learn from the next verse that the commandment John had in mind was the commandment to love one another. We’ll talk more about that tomorrow, but today let’s notice that this commandment is from the Father. So living to love with Jesus is how we express our love for our Father, God. We love His children for the sake of the truth that Jesus is God. His words and commandments are considered to be God’s words and commandments. I hope you will be encouraged today to love God by obeying His commandment to love your brothers and sisters in Christ for the sake of the truth. Not only will you make glad those who care for you, but you will, most of all, make glad our Father in heaven.