The power of the seed of God

Live to Love Scripture Encouragement - A podcast by Norm Wakefield

1 John 3:9 No one who is born of God practices sin, because His seed abides in him; and he cannot sin, because he is born of God. John gives all who are born of God a great encouragement in this verse. In the previous verse, he described those who are of the devil. They practice sin. John wasn’t saying that a person who is born of God cannot sin. He’s already said in chapter two that if someone says he doesn’t have sin, he’s a liar. John’s focus was on those deceivers who say they have seen and know God, yet they continue in, persist in, and excuse sinful practices. John said that they are not born of God because no one who is born of God can continue practicing sin. To continue in sin is clear evidence that someone has never seen or known Jesus. Jesus came to destroy the devil’s work, but to continue in sin is to destroy Jesus’ work. Persistently practicing sin therefore is incompatible with the experience of having the divine nature of God dwelling within. John’s point is that we are children of God, and to us, sin is abnormal and unnatural to us. It feels out of place. We may fall into sin, but we cannot walk in it or if I may say it this way, we cannot live with it. I have found that the seed of God that abides in me produces the fruit of love. The Holy Spirit is the seed or sperm of God that once He is planted in us begins to manifest His presence through love. We will see John confirm this in tomorrow’s live to love encouragement. Today, remember that the seed of God abides in you, and your life is vitally joined to His life. The love you need today for those God puts in your path will come from the fruit of that seed—the life of Christ.