The true, unchanging, eternal God revealed in Jesus

Live to Love Scripture Encouragement - A podcast by Norm Wakefield

1 John 5:20 And we know that the Son of God has come, and has given us understanding so that we may know Him who is true; and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life. Today we are encouraged by the third great reality the apostle John wanted to leave with his readers from the church in Ephesus. We know that the Son of God, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, has come to us. We have eternal life and have received understanding from and through Him so that we may know Him. John emphasized that Jesus is the reality of life and being in Jesus, we have real life. Jesus is the true or real God and is eternal life. What an encouragement to know that we as we live to love with Jesus, we are living in Him who is true. We live in a world of lies because the god of this world is a liar and the father of lies. All that we see around us in this world isn’t real, isn’t true. We cannot trust what we see in this world nor can we believe anything that comes from those who lie under the power of the evil one. However, there are shadows of reality in creation that point to Jesus, who is the substance, the fullness of real life. Let’s be encouraged today. We know Jesus has come in the flesh, and as we read about Him in the gospels, we have understanding to know Him because we are in Him and He is in us. One of the most encouraging things I have found about intentionally living to love with Jesus, is a deeper understanding of Him. As I experience His love for His Father and for others, His life becomes more satisfying and consuming. This anchors me more and more as I get older and face my mortality. He is true. He doesn’t change. He is eternal life. I know Him and live in Him. And so it is with all who believe in Jesus and love with Him.