Things are not as they appear.

Live to Love Scripture Encouragement - A podcast by Norm Wakefield

Hebrews 2:8 For in subjecting all things to him, He left nothing that is not subject to him. But now we do not yet see all things subjected to him. Things are not as they appear. God gave to Adam (mankind) dominion over everything He created. We are told by the author of Hebrews that there were no exceptions to the realm of man’s dominion. However, man’s exercise of dominion hasn’t been a walk in the park. We don’t see all things subjected to man, despite our best efforts. In fact, it appears that all things rule over us! The circumstances seem to contradict what God has spoken regarding His Son and us. They do not appear to be subjected to us. Instead we seem mercilessly subjected to our circumstances. This is a paradox, a seeming inconsistency. How can man be crowned with glory and honor while seemingly, helplessly struggle to subdue creation and overcome sin and death? Unbelief easily entangles us, and we become burdened by weighty encumbrances and overwhelming baggage. The undeniable pain, failure, and trouble provides opportunity for unbelief to do its dirty work. When we look at things as they are on the earth, we are faced with a crisis of faith. We will learn a valuable lesson in Hebrews about unbelief. This verse informs us that unbelief focuses on the circumstances in life. We drift away from God’s word spoken in His Son as the author warned his readers about in vs. 1. We take our eyes off of Jesus and what God has said about Him. When this happens, living to love with Jesus is impossible. We need to remember that things are not as they appear. Jesus knew this great truth. He believed there was only one God from whom all things come, and He is love. He also knew that love only flows out of fullness, and circumstances and things on the earth cannot provide that fullness. The love of God flows out of a soul that believes God’s love is enough when all things do not appear to be as we wish or think they should be. Jesus also knew that suffering was God’s way to reveal Himself. Did you know that the apparent out-of-control circumstances in your life are a God-orchestrated opportunity for His Son to be revealed in you? We’ll look more deeply into this truth tomorrow, but today, remember your purpose in life is to live to love with Jesus. Things are not as they appear. They may appear to be out of God’s control, but they are not. They may not appear to be subjected to you, but they are. If you are His, God has subjected all things to you for the purpose of His glory, not your convenience, temporal happiness, or significance. Remember: Things are not as they appear.