Unfathomable riches in Christ

Live to Love Scripture Encouragement - A podcast by Norm Wakefield

Romans 16:22 I, Tertius, who write this letter, greet you in the Lord. The Romans learn from this verse who has been Paul’s amanuensis, his secretary, so to speak, who put Paul’s words into print. Tertius felt that this was the place to add his own personal greeting with the rest of Paul’s fellow workers, so he did. In essence, Tertius wanted to express the love of Christ to them which is why he said he greeted them “in the Lord.” All of us who are “in the Lord” have a very real union with every single believer in Christ. We have a shared love experience with Jesus. As I meet people in one city or nation after another, from various ethnic groups and nationalities, I find that “in the Lord” we already know each other. It’s like meeting extended family who I didn’t know before. But we have a common ancestor, so we have an affection for each other due to that relationship. That’s how it is with everyone who is a member of Jesus’ body. We have affection and love for each other because we have a love bond through Jesus Christ. I, Norm, who writes and records this podcast greets you today “in the Lord.” This greeting comes out of the love of Jesus that abides in me for you. If He loves you, I love you, therefore I greet you with His love. Let us all be amazed at Jesus, in and with whom we share unfathomable riches.