Watch out for those trying to deceive you.

Live to Love Scripture Encouragement - A podcast by Norm Wakefield

1 John 2:26 These things I have written to you concerning those who are trying to deceive you. We’ve learned some things to watch out for in John’s first epistle. How kind and loving it is for the Lord to give us guidance in a world that is antichrist. There are people out to deceive believers, trying to lead God’s people to wander off of the narrow way. Here are seven things John has written about to warn us about those who are trying to deceive us. 1. Don’t let anyone who tells you that any book or passages of the Bible are not the uniquely inspired word of God. These words in 1 John as well as in all of the Bible were written under the authority of the Holy Spirit of God. Those trying to deceive you will tell you otherwise. We love and keep all of His Word. 2. Don’t believe anyone who tells you that Jesus is not God in the flesh, the eternal word of Life. 3. Do not wander away from the exclusivity of the gospel. Jesus is the only way, truth, and the Life, and no one can go to the Father, God, except through Him. 4. Be wary of anyone who doesn’t believe that Jesus’ death atoned for the sins of His people—He made propitiation for sin once for all in shedding His lifeblood. 5. Know that anyone who says that Jesus was not resurrected in His body and has not taken His seat in the heavenlies as God’s appointed advocate for His people is trying to deceive you. 6. Don’t be fooled by those who say that God’s grace allows you to do whatever you want with impunity. If they say obedience to Christ is legalistic and unnecessary, then they are trying to lead you away from devotion to Christ. Obedience and love are the tests of a true disciple and follower of Jesus Christ. 7. You know that Jesus Christ lives in you, and His life is your life. You are living to love with Jesus. Don’t be deceived by those who emphasize knowledge about the Christ over knowing Him personally and having fellowship with the Father and the Son. Our encouragement today is to look back and examine ourselves to make sure we have not been fooled and wandered away from glorifying God by loving Him and loving those He puts in our paths each day. May this keep you from being deceived so you will continue to live to love with Jesus for the rest of your life.