Would you please get out of the way?

Live to Love Scripture Encouragement - A podcast by Norm Wakefield

1 John 3:3 And everyone who has this hope fixed on Him purifies himself, just as He is pure. We are encouraged today from this verse as to the power of having the indwelling life of Jesus. John described the quality of life of God children. They practice righteousness because of the love of God bestowed upon them and because of the sensational hope that they will be transformed into Jesus’ likeness when He appears. This verse adds to the description of those born of God. They purify themselves, which further explains why they practice righteousness. The idea here from which we can draw encouragement is of an artist who is painting a portrait. The artist captures every detail of the subject. He endeavors to portray the model just as he is. If there’s anything in the portrait that isn’t true to the image of his subject, then he removes it or changes it. Do you have the hope of being transformed into Jesus’ likeness when He returns? If so, then you purify yourself. You remove the things in your life that hinder the true expression of His life—the things that are in the way of others seeing and experiencing His love. Sometimes I’ll come into the kitchen to help my wife, and without realizing it, I get in the way. Once I realize she’s having to work around me or that I’m hindering her, I get out of the way. That’s how it is in living to love with Jesus. Sometimes, we are in His way, so to speak. Our feelings, plans, ideas, and expectations are in His way. They block the view of Jesus in our lives, misrepresent Him, or impede His love. It’s in those times that we might hear the Holy Spirit say, “Would you please get out of the way?” and we do! We confess whatever it is that we are doing that isn’t a true expression of His love, stop doing it, and get out of the way so He can freely love through us. In short, we purify ourselves just as He is pure so the love of Christ may flow freely. Do you need to get out of the way so Jesus can love freely through your life?