You know that you are in Jesus if you walk as He walked.

Live to Love Scripture Encouragement - A podcast by Norm Wakefield

1 John 2:5-6 but whoever keeps His word, in him the love of God has truly been perfected. By this we know that we are in Him: the one who says he abides in Him ought himself to walk in the same manner as He walked. Yesterday we learned from John that those who say they know Jesus, but don’t keep or value His commandments are liars. Today, we are encouraged to learn how one may know that they truly know Jesus and are in Him. We’ve seen already that John uses His commandments and His word interchangeably. In this verse we who are living to love with Jesus should be greatly encouraged. Jesus commanded us to love one another and to believe in Him as God (Jo. 13:34 and 14:1). His word tells us that apart from His life and word abiding in us, we can’t love and believe. But with Him, we do bear fruit for God’s glory (John 15:4-8). That’s exactly what John was saying in these verses. When God’s love is matured and completed in us, it shows us that we love and treasure His word like He loved and treasured His Father’s word. We are encouraged as we live to love with Jesus and see His life revealed as we walk through our days. We say we abide in Him, and we know that we are in Him because we love God, love His word, and love the people He puts in our paths each day, for His glory.