Jeff’s Top 25 Sources of Listings Part 1

Live UNREAL with Glover U - A podcast by GloverU - Thursdays


In this episode of the podcast, we’re diving into the top 25 sources of listings in today’s real estate market. We’ve discussed the key traits and characteristics of top listing agents, and the benefits of focusing on listings, but where are the best of the best getting business from? As real estate agents, it’s important to create stability by diversifying our lead sources, while also not spreading ourselves too thin by taking on too much.    Whatever the market condition or the location, the lead sources you’ll learn about will be a huge boost to your business and perhaps even deliver leads for years to come. You don’t have to take on all 25, of course, but taking on a few or just brushing up on the ones you already have in your business, will make a huge impact.    Jeff will share the first 10 of 25 of these lead sources, and why they are worth going after, especially in this market. You’ll learn what Jeff and his team are doing, the lessons he’s learned and the lucrative lead sources you need to stop overlooking.    You’ll also learn; The danger of intensifying on only one lead source at a time  How internet leads provide the opportunity to gain lifelong clients  Why agent-to-agent referrals aren’t going away anytime soon    Quotes    Great listing agents have no less than 3 and no more than 5 sources of business they’ve mastered at a high level. -Jeff Glover     The more sources of business you have, the less amount of time, energy, money and total resources you have. -Jeff Glover     The market we’re heading into could be an unstable one and we don’t want to be involved in long-term expensive advertising contracts. -Jeff Glover     Key Points    Great listing agents master no less than 3 and no more than 5 sources of business because it’s the sweet spot between stability and being overstretched. Having 3 or more lead sources is like building your business on a stool with 3 or more legs. That means you can sustain your business through different market conditions, and you won’t have to scramble for leads if one lead source starts to drop off. While we want to have multiple lead sources, it’s really important that we go deep, not wide with whatever sources we choose. Many agents make the mistake of moving onto a new lead source before they’ve fully exhausted their current ones. You’re going to be better at whatever source is already working for you, so it’s best to double down on that source before taking on something else. With each lead source ask yourself this: ‘have I hit them from every angle, through every channel, and have I perfected the system that’s already in place? It’s very important that we’re cautious with lead sources like advertising. The market we’re heading into could be an unstable one, and we don’t want to be involved in long-term, expensive advertising contracts at this time. Some lead sources won’t perform at the same level, so we have to really think about where we’re spending our money.  Online referral sites are a lead source we need to be working with instead of ignoring. They’ve mastered the art of getting in between us and the seller, and they have deep pockets to pay for advertising. We can use this to our advantage to generate listings. Google ‘sell my home in YOUR CITY’ and work on partnering with these companies.