When Emotions are High and Intelligence is Low

Living and Loving Your Life with Chantel Allen - A podcast by Chantel Allen - Thursdays


Do you ever have those moments when you're feeling an emotion and you get stuck trying to figure out why? And as you try to figure it out- you find that you get frustrated? We've all heard that phrase "when emotions are high and intelligence is low" but for some reason we still think we need to figure it all out when we're feeling super emotional. What if trying to figure it out is half the problem? What if we just need to learn to validate the emotion to help navigate the situations that feel so heavy at times? Today we revisit the CALM method and apply it to this situation. C- Learn to call it out. Even if you don't know the name of it, learn to acknowledge it. A- Allow it. This step can take some time but work to be able to see and experience the emotion without needing to change it. L- Listen to it and Let it be. It has a good reason for being there. If it feel safe, learn to let the emotion speak and you listen. Validate what it shares. M- Move with it. Bring it with you now with the intent of allowing the emotion. We need to learn to notice the emotions before they're exploding but if we're exploding its ok too. CALM the emotion.   &&& Exciting news mentioned in this episode:  If you wanna kick off NEW YEARS with me! Come join our totally free webinar where I’m breaking out how I’m crafting my vision for 2024 that I think could be really helpful for you too! Just click this link to sign up for the Workshop.  January 26th 9am-12pm MT.  We'll be also sharing the details of the new Project CALM Connection Project at that workshop. So sign up to attend! You won't want to miss it! Grab a spot HERE Connect with me on Instagram: @chantelallencoaching  & come check out our new YouTube channel: @ChantelAllenCoaching Show Notes: Access HERE