
Living Connected - NVC - A podcast by Kady - Tuesdays

Love, what an in depth word, there is no way to discuss love in ALL its entirety. We could have so many episodes just on this word alone. Have you ever been in love before? Do you know what it’s like to feel love for someone you care about ? Or are you still a bit confused on what love actually is and what it might feel like. Love can be so different between relationships you have. Love can even look different in different cultures. Perhaps someone isn't ready to love, I know in my situation that was true. Maybe it comes down to loving ourselves first. Kyle and I explore the word love and possibly it’s actions towards someone and or ourselves. Is love a feeling really or are there other feelings that are a partner to love. Is love a need and or is love a strategy? What do we do in the name of love? What is your experience with love? CONTACT INFORMATION:Email: [email protected]: livingconnectednvcFacebook Page: Music is brought to you by: the show