#37 Runaway Thoughts, Perceptions and Misconceptions with time
Living In The Third Degree With BPD - A podcast by Brad S.

This episode touches on my thought that the longer that me and my wife were apart from an argument that the time apart collected negative boundaries that makes it harder and harder to return back into her life even when the negatives have nothing to do with me. ****** Please feel free to send me an email with questions, comments or feedback to [email protected] ****** ** AUDIBLE.COM SPECIAL FOR LISTNERS *** Click the link below for a special for our listeners! ONE FREE MONTH of audible.com and 2 FREE AUDIBLE BOOKS which are YOURS TO KEEP FOREVER even if you decide to cancel! https://www.amazon.com/hz/audible/mlp/membership/plus?ref_=assoc_tag_ph_1524216631897&_encoding=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=pf4&tag=eggshellpod09-20&linkId=c2ccdbcfbc874edb7e88243891afdc1d