Ep. 24 [Community series #3] Fruits of Obedience

Living Loved & Free with Carol G. - A podcast by Carol Griffiths

The “Fruits of Obedience” episode highlights the fruits of a friendship that was borne and grew because of obedience. As you listen to Carol G. and her Destiny Sister, Annie-Laurie Munroe, you will hear an amazing testimony of God’s faithfulness and intentionality. We hope you are encouraged to be and seek authentic friends. And more importantly, obey what God tells you to do in your friendships. There are some priceless nuggets for healers and intercessors in this episode. Annie and Carol touch on ways to preserve your peace when you're privy to the inner hurts of so many people. If you’ve listened to the other Community episodes, you already know Carol G. and her friends go deep and cover a lot of topics. This episode is no different. Besides, Annie-Laurie spilling some of Carol’s tea, they also talked about: obedience, affirmation, healing, purpose, destiny, God-ordained relationships, leadership, authenticity, and the importance of community. The Community series is sponsored by HARMONY, our 7-session group coaching experience. In HARMONY, we teach women how to hear God clearly and confidently follow His unique plan for their lives.