10 TZIKIN Translating Symbols in Nature and Dreams

living the tzolkin - A podcast by Paul bud


In this episode we Talk with Kiche Ceremonialist and Teacher Apabyan Tew about the subtle art of translating signals from Nature and Dreams and Ultimately,  reality itself. During this conversation we discuss Kiche Maya Philosophy we meander through: language, cultural conceptualizations, imagery, symbolism, biological theories, systems, scientific measurements, and mathematical calculations. According to the Mayan Calendar "Tzolkin" This episode is brought to you by: TZOLKIN EXPLORER APP:  https://www.xzone.com.au/ KAQCHIKEL MAYA UNIVERSITY:  http://www.universidadmayakaqchikel.org/  ACOSIATE PROFESSOR:  https://www.facebook.com/nawalwinaq   online kichedictionary  http://www.famsi.org/mayawriting/dictionary/christenson/quidic_complete.pdf