13 Tzikin 4 colours of Nawals

living the tzolkin - A podcast by Paul bud


If you are enjoying these podcasts Please Support what you like!!! Feed the Mayan,  https://www.paypal.me/fabianfrias?fbclid=IwAR1pIIMMcjI4bQcBgsHafJhjxsnPlxnuUg6fAuFWM-azlnRB2Vhbttiw-A8  Today we talk about "The Birth of a Universe"  A brand new book written by Author Apabyan Tew. http://www.jadepublishing.org/la-gestacioacuten-de-un-universo-la-ciencia-maya-del-embarazo.html  Kiche Maya Associate Professor at University of Maya Kaqchikel http://www.universidadmayakaqchikel.org/  We discuss in detail: The Chol’ Qi’s connection to Venus, the Sun, and the Moon.  Nawal families (the loosely associated 4 colours) and their relation to gestation. Factors creating male and female babies, multiple in depth explanations of various "gravitat-ology" measurements, calculations, studies, philosophies, applications, methods, and analysis via multiple complex bio-mathematical systems of still practiced Guatemala Kiche-Maya-time.  Chol’ Qi’ We also discuss Nawal Tzi.   This episode is brought to you by:  http://www.jadepublishing.org/la-gestacioacuten-de-un-universo-la-ciencia-maya-del-embarazo.html  TZOLKIN EXPLORER APP: https://www.xzone.com.au/ KAQCHIKEL MAYA UNIVERSITY:  http://www.universidadmayakaqchikel.org/ THE ONLINE MAYA KICHE DICTIONARY: http://www.famsi.org/mayawriting/dictionary/christenson/quidic_complete.pdf