Tracy Walder - The Unexpected Spy | Ep. 48

Loss Prevention Magazine Podcast - A podcast by Loss Prevention Magazine


A former Staff Operations Officer at the CIA’s Counterterrorism Center and a Special Agent at the FBI’s Los Angeles Field Office specializing in Chinese counterintelligence operations, Tracy Walder’s story is both fascinating and eye-opening. In this podcast, she will share details of her experience from the attacks of September 11th working in the CIA Vault through the invasion of Iraq, while also illuminating her experiences as a woman in a male-dominated field both abroad and at home. For example, how does a female debrief and earn the trust of al-Qaeda’s top men―Jihadists who swore they’d never speak to a woman, particularly an American woman. This podcast is the audio from Walder's presentation and Q&A at the 2021 LPM Spring Fling virtual event.