E8 - Don't Tell Her You Love Her! (with Joel Dommett)

Love Island: The Morning After - A podcast by ITV


Grab your mouthwash because things are getting ROMANTIC in there...

Last night was all about half-girlfriends, half-boyfriends and exclusivity. But thankfully, Amber is in the villa to give us a healthy serving of pie on the side.

How cute were #Jucie on their paddle boarding date? Did the eagle land in the hideaway for Curtis and Amy?! Love Island superfan and all-round funny man Joel Dommett is in the studio with Arielle and Kem this morning to discuss all the deets from last night's episode.

We've got TWO bombshells landing in the villa tonight, so make you're watching ITV2 at 9pm and subscribe to The Morning After to get your daily Love Island debrief delivered to you every day.

Get involved with the chat, send us your best memes and let us know what you think is going to happen tonight using #LoveIslandPodcast. We LOVE hearing from you!