Leave It - It's time to jump ship - Part 1 - Samantha Clarke

Love It or Leave It - A podcast by Samantha Clarke - Wednesdays


On this episode of Love It or Leave It Samantha Clarke discusses the leave it aspect of the Love It or Leave It mantra. Have you tried and tested lots of different methods to improve your situation at work but feel that it is time to leave and try something new? Listen as Samantha goes through how to start to map out what it is you actually want to do.



- Samantha Clarke - I do believe that for any kind of leaving decision we need space to breathe and to really make a considered move vs it just being jumping from one frying pan into a fire.



1.40 - Leaving should be thinking about it from 3 different dimensions

2.56 - With any kind of leaving or decision we need space to breathe

3.41 - What it takes to create a portfolio career?

5.08 - Starting to map out what it is you want to do

6.08 - Answering questions on what your talents are and what you need to let go of to step into your desired career

8.24 - We can’t expect a job to just fall into our laps

10.42 - Taking the time to think about what you want from your next move


Resources: (books, products, websites, other podcasts)


Connect with Samantha Clarke:

  • Instagram - http://instagram.com/growhappyschool
  • Twitter - https://twitter.com/samanthaand_
  • Website link - www.loveitleaveit.co