Leave it Path 2 - the Portfolio Career - Samantha Clarke

Love It or Leave It - A podcast by Samantha Clarke - Wednesdays


On this episode of Love It or Leave It Samantha Clarke discusses the second pathway around Leave it, which is creating and crafting your portfolio career. Listen to hear Samantha discuss the 3 Ws to help you think about building your portfolio career - Who, Why and Where.


“Quote.” It’s up to us to be agile, to be open to try new things, to learning new skills, to turning our hand to different trades.




1.09 - How technology has opened up opportunities to work in new ways

2.41 - Combined revenue streams can equate to more than what you would be earning in a full-time job

 3.46 - We’re in really interesting times where the physical and social context of work is changing

5.01 - It’s up to us to be agile

7.00 - Mapping out your portfolio career

7.58 - Identifying the 3 Ws when thinking about your portfolio career

11.21 - How do I market myself?

15.52 - Breaking down the numbers to make a portfolio career work


Resources: (books, products, websites, other podcasts)



Connect with Samantha Clarke:

  • Instagram - http://instagram.com/growhappyschool
  • Twitter - https://twitter.com/samanthaand_
  • Website link - www.loveitleaveit.co