Love Your Life #347: Why you might keep missing out on what you want

Love Your Life + Law of Attraction - A podcast by Jennifer Bailey: Life Coach & Law of Attraction Enthusiast

Today we’re going to talk about the all-too-common manifesting block of a vibrational gap. This episode is perfect for anyone who wants to learn… What I have found one of the most challenging and liberating things about Law of Attraction Why postponing how you want to feel is bad for manifesting  The often big vibrational gap that exists for some around abundance  Why offering a vibration that matches what-is only gets you more of what-is What you want to practice until you own the frequency of As a life coach and Law of Attraction enthusiast, I offer schedule-as-you-want coaching. Coaching with me is a great way to raise your vibration. Want to find a Love Your Life episode about a particular topic of interest?  Check out the LYL Index.   To access exclusive monthly episodes and binge the 325+ episode archive, subscribe to the premium feed here: For all things Law of Attraction, visit