Is Lucid Dreaming JUST Like Real Life In Every Detail? What It REALLY Feels Like

Manifestation Experience: Manifest Abundance And Your Dream Life - A podcast by Manifestation Experience by AstralHQ

HOW realistic is lucid dreaming, and is it JUST like real life? How vivid and detailed can a lucid dream be? In this episode, I explain exactly how detailed and vivid a lucid dream can really be, and how similar it is to real life. Make sure to follow and subscribe to the lucid dreaming podcast! For exclusive show notes and discounts/deals on lucid dreaming products just for podcast listeners, go to or if you’re ready to just start lucid dreaming as fast as possible, check out for a step by step guide which guarantees you’ll lucid dream within 20 days. Also, I post daily on ALL social media networks, just search for ‘howtolucid’ and you’ll find me.