What It’S Like To Have Lucid Dreams Every Night (It Sucks)

Manifestation Experience: Manifest Abundance And Your Dream Life - A podcast by Manifestation Experience by AstralHQ

As you get into lucid dreaming, people tend to visualise impossible things.  They want to lucid dream EVERY night, and have lucid dreams all the time.  While that sounds good, and might be fun for a while, eventually that actually gets pretty boring, pretty annoying, and not ideal.    🔵 FREE LUCID PDF, video training and more:  https://howtolucid.com/gift    I rarely speak about my experiences with lucid dreaming, because a good teacher doesn’t do that.  Telling you that I can get lucid when I want, or lucid every night would’t help you, it would make you unmotivated because you’d see me as too far along in the journey to be able to relate to you.    But the truth is, I don’t lucid dream every night. I’ve had periods where through intention, practice and a bit of luck, I was able to lucid dream several nights in a row for a while, but I actually choose not to do that these days. Make sure to follow and subscribe to the lucid dreaming podcast! For exclusive show notes and discounts/deals on lucid dreaming products just for podcast listeners, go to HowToLucid.com/Podcast. 🔵 Lucid Dream In 30 Days And Experience Your Fantasies: Download My FREE Training PDF Now 👉  https://howtolucid.com/signup/