Why I’m Called ‘Lucid Dreaming Experience’ Now

Manifestation Experience: Manifest Abundance And Your Dream Life - A podcast by Manifestation Experience by AstralHQ

So my YouTube channel WAS called HowToLucid, but now it’s called Lucid Dreaming Experience. There’s a good reason for that, and the change marks a turning point in the channel. I now focus more on the EXPERIENCE of lucid dreaming, and other states of consciousness. BEFORE I was focused on the MECHANICS of the techniques, the theory and the ‘boring’ stuff.   Now we can talk about the more interesting, expanding, profound and important aspects of lucid dreaming that many other gurus fail to talk about, ignore, or simply don’t know much about.   ❤️ LUCID DREAMING TOOLS LIST: https://howtolucid.com/lucid-dreaming-resources/  ❤️ My FREE Lucid Training: https://howtolucid.com/signup/ Make sure to follow and subscribe to the lucid dreaming podcast! For exclusive show notes and discounts/deals on lucid dreaming products just for podcast listeners, go to HowToLucid.com/Podcast. If you’re ready to just start lucid dreaming as fast as possible, check out HowToLucid.com/Bootcamp for a step by step guide which guarantees you’ll lucid dream within 20 days or less. Also, I post daily on ALL social media networks, just search for ‘howtolucid’ and you’ll find me.