Ep. 21 - Bethany W Pope (transcript available)

Lunar Poetry Podcasts - A podcast by Lunar Poetry Podcasts


April 2015. David Turner talks to Bethany W. Pope about poetry as something which is necessary to survival though not necessarily a pleasant experience, about the poetry scenes of Swindon and Wales, writing in complex forms using mythical imagery, and the pitfalls of workshopping poems. Bethany reads three poems: 'Machete' - 00:00:44 'Three-legged Crow' - 00:07:01 'No Exit' - 00:15:04 www.twitter.com/Silent_Tongue www.bethanywpope.com www.blacksheepjournal.com Download a transcript of this episode here: https://lunarpoetrypodcasts.files.wordpress.com/2020/05/ep21-bethany-w-pope-transcript.pdf