Ep. 56 - Bang Said The Gun(transcript available)

Lunar Poetry Podcasts - A podcast by Lunar Poetry Podcasts


January 2016. A transcript of this conversation is available here: https://lunarpoetrypodcasts.files.wordpress.com/2017/05/ep-56-bang-said-the-gun-lpp-transcript.pdf David Turner talks to Dan Cockrill & Rob Auton of Bang Said the Gun ahead of their upcoming relocation to Bloomsbury Theatre. The pair discuss what the move holds for the regular night and upcoming projects they are each working on. For more info about Bang see: www.twitter.com/bangsaidthegun www.bangsaidthegun.com www.thebloomsbury.com Dan: www.twitter.com/DanielCockrill www.danielcockrill.com Rob: www.twitter.com/RobertAuton www.robauton.co.uk