Ep.112 - Mary Jean Chan; Sandeep K Parmar (transcript available)

Lunar Poetry Podcasts - A podcast by Lunar Poetry Podcasts


This episode is in two parts: Part one - David Turner talks to Mary Jean Chan about her debut pamphlet, 'a hurry of english' (Ignition Press), finding queer and gender-bending identities in classic English literature and how it feels to be demanding space as a published queer writer. Mary Jean also reads three poems: (00:04:00) - Rules for a Chinese Child Buying Stationery in a London Bookshop (00:28:11) - Dragon Hill Spa (1:00:30) - Tea Ceremony http://www.maryjeanchan.com/ https://www.brookes.ac.uk/poetry-centre/ignition-press/ Part two (1:02:06) - David Turner is at Verve Poetry Festival in Birmingham interviewing Sandeep K Parmar in front of a lovely crowd of festival goers. The pair discuss whether poems are always retrospective or if they can ever exist in the moment, what role live literature events play in the development of Sandeep's writing and how Sandeep balances the dual roles of writing and literary criticism. Sandeep also reads two poems: (1:05:20) - Invocation (1:15:49) - Against Chaos https://www.poetryarchive.org/poet/sandeep-parmar A full transcript of this conversation can be downloaded here: https://lunarpoetrypodcasts.files.wordpress.com/2018/07/ep112-mary-jean-chan-sandeep-k-parmar.pdf Assistant producer on this episode - Tiegan Hall-Turner.