Ep.115 - Jane Yeh; Roy McFarlane (transcript available)
Lunar Poetry Podcasts - A podcast by Lunar Poetry Podcasts

This episode is in two parts: Part one - David Turner is in London chatting to Jane Yeh about assuming personas and writing characters into her poetry, why fiction is such a common starting point for her poems and the influence that fine art, particularly 'old-master paintings' has on her creative practice. Some links relating to this section: https://www.janeyeh3.com/ https://twitter.com/JaneYeh3 https://www.carcanet.co.uk/cgi-bin/indexer?owner_id=838 https://tornn.me/ Part two (00:48:07) - David Turner is in Birmingham at this year's Verve Poetry Festival interviewing Roy McFarlane in front of a live audience. Roy explains how important it is for him to try and convey the sounds of his home city through his poetry and how, often, characters in his poems are a composite of many people. Some links for this section: http://www.roymcfarlane.com/ https://ninearchespress.com/publications/poetry-collections/the%20healing%20next%20time.html Download a full transcript here: https://lunarpoetrypodcasts.files.wordpress.com/2018/06/ep115-jane-yeh-roy-mcfarlane-transcript.pdf Episode music is an original composition by Snazzy Rat. You can find more from Snazzy here: https://snazzyrat.bandcamp.com/ https://www.facebook.com/snazzyrat/