Ep.118 - 4th BIRTHDAY SPECIAL EPISODE (transcript available)
Lunar Poetry Podcasts - A podcast by Lunar Poetry Podcasts

To celebrate the fourth anniversary of Lunar Poetry Podcasts (01/10/2018) host and founder of the series David Turner chats to Abi Palmer about how and why LPP began. The pair discuss how the podcast has evolved since October 2014 and the changes made because of growing audiences and funding from Arts Council England. Abi and David also talk about the brand new anthology of poems by 28 former podcast guests, 'Why Poetry?' (VERVE Poetry Press), out now in bookshops nationwide. For more from us: lunarpoetrypodcasts.com/ twitter.com/Silent_Tongue www.facebook.com/LunarPoetryPodcasts Order 'Why Poetry?': The Lunar Poetry Podcasts Anthology here: vervepoetrypress.com/product/why-poetry/ Download a full transcript of this conversation here: https://lunarpoetrypodcasts.files.wordpress.com/2018/09/ep118-4th-birthday-special-episode-trancript.pdf For more from Abi: http://abipalmer.com/ https://twitter.com/abipalmer_bot Episode music is an original composition by Snazzy Rat. You can find more from Snazzy here: snazzyrat.bandcamp.com/ www.facebook.com/snazzyrat/