Why do the wicked prosper ? | Ep.3
Made in Heaven - A podcast by Aamiyah Lashayy

Have you ever had the thought; why does it seem like the people who don’t believe in God get blessed the most ? or why do evil people have all the wealth ?. Today we are going to dive into the topic "why do the wicked prosper". It is so easy to be on social media and look at people living their "best lives" and get discouraged on your walk with Christ because it seems like the people who don't have a real relationship with God are having the time of their life. You might start to ask God; "why should I live a holy life if the people who aren't, are wealthy & prospering ? ". But I think the question we should be asking is; if money is all someone has, are they really prospering ?. Let's get into itttt. I hope this Ep. blesses you. Enjoy ! ♡