346: 3 Ways to Save Taxes As the Billionaires Do

Main Street Business - A podcast by Mark J Kohler and Mat Sorensen


Mark and Mat cover the three main concepts that billionaires Jeff Bezos, Donald Trump, and Peter Theil use to save taxes and grow their wealth. They emphasize that although these concepts are used by billionaires, they are just as applicable AND accessible to the everyday American. Everyone hoping to build wealth NEEDS to understand these concepts and how they can be applied in their life and business. Learn more and listen to prior episodes at https://mainstreetbusiness.com/ Are you ready to get certified in EVERY strategy I teach? Start your journey with a FREE 15-minute demo. You don't want to miss this! Secure your tickets for the most significant tax & legal event of the year: Tax and Legal 360 Curious what my new certification is all about? Learn More Looking to connect with a rock star law firm? KKOS is only a click away! Grab my FREE Ultimate Tax Strategy Guide HERE! Check out our YOUTUBE Channel Here: https://www.youtube.com/markjkohler Craving more content? Check out my Instagram!