#26 — Philosophy, Aesthetics, Playfulness, and Doodling
Maja Malmcrona - A podcast by Maja Malmcrona

About art, philosophy, and the relationship between them, abstractions, hairy plague carriers, the act of thinking, shaving one’s beard, the empirical method, David Hume and Immanuel Kant, the tree of knowledge, aesthetics and the definition of art, Richard Wollheim, utilitarianism and function, whether or not art is fundamentally useless and silly (or functional and meaningful), playfulness and one’s creative faculty, the difference between games, the rules of art, Ludwig Wittgenstein, art with intent (or for its own sake), turning off your inner critic, the purpose of horror films, David Lynch, ghost stories, R.G. Collingwood, romanticism, Jackson Pollock and Jack Kerouac, Charles Bukowski and Stephen King, the democratisation of art (and its pros and cons) and habitual doodling. Maja Malmcrona (@majamalmcrona) is an artist from Sweden. Adam Nicholson is a PhD candidate in Philosophy at the University of Glasgow (United Kingdom). Recorded on August 20, 2021. http://majamalmcrona.com http://instagram.com/majamalmcrona https://twitter.com/G_JuliusGeezer https://publickopinions.wordpress.com/