#53 - Art, Literature, Tragedy, and Comedy
Maja Malmcrona - A podcast by Maja Malmcrona

Artistic influences, Sarah Sze’s multimedia sculptures, how objects mark time, fragmentation, the beginning and end of art, threshold and hierarchy, the lost art of painting, moving through scales, John Singer Sargent’s portraits, realism and expression, the element of time, Richard Serra’s monumental sculptures, disrupting the architecture, Hal Foster’s ‘Conversations about Sculpture’, George Kubler’s ‘The Shape of Time’ (or whatever the fuck it’s called), replication versus prime objects, 19th century literature, Henry James’s ‘The Turn of the Screw’, ghost stories and difficult prose, modernism, Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s ‘The Brother’s Karamazov’, pessimism, and comedy. Maja Malmcrona (@majamalmcrona) is an artist from Sweden. Adam Nicholson is a PhD candidate in Philosophy at the University of Glasgow (United Kingdom). Recorded on March 11, 2022. http://majamalmcrona.comhttp://instagram.com/majamalmcrona https://twitter.com/G_JuliusGeezerhttps://publickopinions.wordpress.com/