#63 - House of Leaves, Horror, Gluttony, and Slutty Unicorns
Maja Malmcrona - A podcast by Maja Malmcrona

Mark Z. Danielewski’s ‘House of Leaves’, insanity, interweaving storylines, suggestive graphic design, creepiness, ghosts, violating one’s space, monsters and slutty unicorns, horror films, found footage, The Blair Witch Project, gluttony, exercise, living in one’s head, the problem with professors, sword-crossing, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and monotony. Maja Malmcrona (@majamalmcrona) is an artist from Sweden. Adam Nicholson is a PhD candidate in Philosophy at the University of Glasgow (United Kingdom). Recorded on July 18, 2022. Maja Malmcronahttp://majamalmcrona.comhttp://instagram.com/majamalmcrona Adam Nicholsonhttps://twitter.com/G_JuliusGeezerhttps://publickopinions.wordpress.com/ ReferencesMark Z. Danielewski - House of LeavesThe Blair Witch Project