Ninja Level Sales Techniques With Rylee Meek #MakingBank #S6E48

Making Bank - A podcast by Josh Felber


In this episode of the Making Bank podcast, Rylee Meek, the Founder, and CEO of The Social Dynamic Selling System, talks to us about money, God, and Sales. Rylee Meek is also the founder of King’s Council Coaching and a fellow podcaster hosting the King’s Council Podcast. Through King’s Council Coaching, Rylee has been able to empower individuals and families and help them create a proven framework of success. Rylee has also used his company Social Selling Dynamic to help eight companies reach 7 to 8 figures in just a year of their inception. Utilizing his proven methods and strategies, those companies have each generated over 150 million in sales over the last decade.   This week on the podcast, Rylee talks about the importance of having money, whether it’s for life, business, or your God-given purpose. Rylee believes that everything has its roots in sales. He explains that we live everyday life trying to sell products, services, ideas, thoughts, and even who we are as people.   Listen to Josh and Rylee discuss money, God, and sales:   (2:22) Rylee’s Start As An Entrepreneur Rylee’s start in entrepreneurship came when he was 15 years old. He realized he didn’t want to be working a typical ‘job’ for the rest of his life. He disliked the idea of an hourly rate being put on his time and set out to make money his own way. Rylee shares the concept of looking for the fruits in other people’s lives. He did whatever he could to surround himself with mentors and people whom he could learn from. The exposure to these mentors then provided him with opportunities that helped him make money and subsequently set him out on his entrepreneurial journey.   (5:40) Money Is Not Evil Many other Christians believe that money is the root of all evil. However, Rylee, who is a Christian himself, disagrees with that. He believes that God gives us the ability to create wealth. Evil doesn’t come from money; instead, money is just the tool that allows us to operate and live our lives the way we choose. Rylee believes the more money you have, the better you are at operating within your God-given calling.   (9:15) Lessons For Entrepreneurs Rylee talks about the top three things he learned on his entrepreneurial journey. First, there’s no truly passive income; you must put in the work and some type of effort to make things work. The second is to surround yourself with people that already have what you want and learn from them. Especially as a fresh entrepreneur, you need to do whatever you can to get with people you can learn from. Finally, following your passion doesn’t always work out because sometimes that leads to your passion turning into a chore. Instead, look for opportunities and bring your passion with you no matter what the opportunity is.   (12:40) Shiny Object Syndrome Shiny object syndrome refers to an entrepreneur jumping at every opportunity they get but never finishing or getting fully engaged in what they started. Rylee explains that no matter how great your product or service is, if nobody knows about it, then you can’t help anybody. That’s why he believes it’s so important to bring your passion to your opportunities. Use your passion as fuel to help you sell whatever you start. Starting without completion is pointless.   (15:42) Ninja Sales Techniques Rylee believes that whoever controls the customer controls everything. Being able to sell is key to you connecting with your customers. He explains that we all receive information differently; some connect better visually or auditorily while others want to feel or touch. Your job is to ensure that you can sell and convey information in whichever ‘language’ your customer connects to the most. When you talk to people, pick up on cues and pay attention to their language. Selling to a group of people is more challenging. You have to make sure that at some point in your presentation, each individual feels like they’ve connected with you because you were able to sprinkle in their ‘lan