The Power of Listening to the Bible Together - Tom Cole
Making It Work: God and Your Work - A podcast by Fuller Seminary's De Pree Center for Leadership, Theology of Work Project
Groups reading the Scripture out loud meet all over the world, from pastors in Korea to tech workers in Seattle, to a group of financial services professionals in New York City, meeting every week to listen to the Bible and talk about their work. Tom Cole, our guest today has experienced this practice as one of the leaders of the New York group, Faith in Financial Services. He's here today to tell us about how he's seen himself and members of the group, helped by the power of listening to the Bible. Scripture Reference: 1 Timothy 4:13 Additional Resources: Public Reading of Scripture for Work, Donate. This podcast is made possible through the financial support of people like you. Your gift of any size will enable us to continue resourcing Christians with high-quality biblically-based content that applies to everyday work. Donate at