Finish the Year Grounded, Grateful & Inspired!
Making Majik Podcast with Bradley Morris from Majik Media - A podcast by Bradley Morris

In this special episiode, which was recorded as two sessions inside my Majik Mind coaching community, we dive deep into the dual themes of reflection and forward planning. We start by reflecting on the achievements, challenges, and lessons of 2024, utilizing thoughtful prompts to guide you through a comprehensive review of your past year. Then, we shift our focus towards 2025, setting powerful intentions and goals to shape a fulfilling and prosperous future. Grab a notebook and pen to follow along as we explore strategies to make more money, enhance personal relationships, and release limiting beliefs, all while preparing to enter the new year with clarity and momentum. Get a customized coaching journey, mixed with an incredible, inspiring community of creators when you join the Majik Mind at Craft & Tour your Signature Workshop at Hire me for business coaching at Come to a Get Shit Done Majik Mind Retreat on Salt Spring Island at Sign up for the Craft & Tour your Signature Workshop Training at Play Chi Ball Anywhere at Download the Majik Kids App at