RED-SPINEL - Episode 6: Making sense of Collective Research on Dissensus and Democracies in the run-up to the European elections
Making sense of EU - Institut d'études européennes of the ULB - A podcast by Making sense of EU - Institut d'études européennes of the ULB

Welcome to the 6th episode of the second "Making Sense of EU" season! As with the season's other episodes, this one is also dedicated to the RED-SPINEL research project, and its analysis of the challenges facing liberal democracy across the European Union.In this episode, we talk to professors Ramona Coman and Zolt Enyedi, as they share with us some of the initial findings and questions of their respective Horizon Europe-funded collective research projects, respectively RED-SPINEL and AUTHLIB.Zolte Enyedi, who leads the AUTHLIB project, is a professor at the Department of Political Science of the Central European University. He studied comparative social sciences, history, sociology, and political science in Budapest and Amsterdam. His research focuses on party politics, comparative government, church-and-state relations, and political psychology. Ramona Coman, who leads the RED-SPINEL project, is a professor of political science at the Université libre de Bruxelles and a visiting professor at the College of Europe in Bruges. She is also a former director and president of the Institut etudes européennes and she studied political science, comparative politics, and European studies in Brussels. Her research interests include EU institutions, the EU decision-making process, the Rule of Law, democratic transitions, and comparative politics.Throughout the episode, both Principal Investigators generously share how they came to set up their respective research agendas, and what the projects have allowed for so far.Overall, this is a particularly timely episode as it comes in the run-up to the June European election, and it explores among others how research imperatives and agendas intersect with political ones.Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.