10 things that will change the way you look at grunt officers

Mandatory Fun - A podcast by We Are The Mighty

Grunt officers get a bad wrap when they arrive to their first unit. Like any newbie, "Butter Bars" — military slang for 2nd Lieutenants — have to earn the respect of their men despite their rank. Related: These legendary military officers were brilliant (and certainly crazy) But it doesn't stop there, there's added pressure from the other officers higher in the chain. When Chase Millsap a veteran officer of both the Army and Marine Corps infantry got to his first unit, he received a warning call from the other Os.   "There wasn't even like a welcome to the unit," said Millsap. "It was like 'you are a liability, you are going to screw this up for the rest of us. If you think you have a question, don't ask it.'"   It was a well timed warning and every new officer needs that grounding phone call. There's a tremendous amount of pressure coming out of the infantry officers course and these guys are ready to fight — "they are gung-ho," according to Millsap.   In this episode of the Mandatory Fun podcast Tim and I ask Millsap everything we ever wanted to know about Grunt officers. Here are 10 questions we asked: How do you get into the Naval Academy? What are some popular tattoos with grunt officers? What kinds of nicknames do officers give each other? Do officers mess with new officers? How did you know when you earned the respect from the men you lead? Do officers make stupid purchases after deployment? What is it with officers and safety briefs? Do officers get extra attention from the enlisted troops at the base gate? Do officer rely on the intelligence of the Lance Corporal Underground — the E4 Mafia? What's the Lieutenant Protection Association (LPA)?