19: How to become a BellRunner? Talking with Kelly Peoples

Marathon & Ultra Running Podcast - With Suman Silwal - A podcast by MarathonRuns - MRuns

In this episode I talked Kelly Peoples about the BellCenter(www.thebellcenter.org) as well as how to be a BellRunner. Since 1984, The Bell Center for Early Intervention Programs has provided quality early intervention services in a center-based program in Birmingham. Infants and toddlers at risk for developmental delay receive services from transdisciplinary teams which include a physical therapist, an occupational therapist, a speech-language pathologist and an early childhood special education teacher as each child works on specific individual developmental goals. The Bell Center’s BellRunner program motivates and trains runners and walkers who want to participate in the Mercedes Marathon and Half Marathon by providing coaching and training runs while pairing BellRunners with Bell Center children. “Be a BellRunner and Make a Difference in a Child’s Life” Enjoy! http://www.MRuns.com @MarathonRuns Music by http://www.bensound.com