54: Running & Racing Birmingham Area Trails: Talking with David Tosch

Marathon & Ultra Running Podcast - With Suman Silwal - A podcast by MarathonRuns - MRuns

MR54: Finally, I was able to catch up with the Birmingham Trail Runners parent, friend, mentor, race director, and more - David Tosch. David is very busy year around to setup trail racing events, planning races, running, training, and more. David and Marye Jo Tosch founded the Southeastern Trail Runs - southeasterntrailruns.com, which has been great asset to the Birmingham Trail running community. David has helped to put the Southeastern trail running on the map with many races including Birmingham Stage race, Lake Martin 100, Blood Rock, and more. Personally, David has been great friend, mentor, and inspiration to me. David did not put me in trail, but he kept me in trail. With the start of 5th Southeastern Trail Series this week, I can say that I also grew as trail runner with series. I cannot thank enough for all love, care, encouragements, and support that I get from David and Marye Jo Tosch. This is a must listen Podcast for those of you want run/ran/running any or all races of Southeastern Trail Runs. In this episode, we talking about following: David's running journey Planning and setting events Running trail races Looking ahead at 2017 Southeastern Trail Runs races Volunteering in Birmingham more Please Subscribe to MRuns' podcast “Voice of Runners” at iTunes, SoundCloud, Stitcher, Pocket Casts, or Google Play Web Link: Southeastern Trail Runs: southeasterntrailruns.com Boston2BigSur Challenge: Mruns.com/b2b Enjoy!