87: Running 100 X 100 miles races: A True Pioneer of Ultra Running: Talking with Susan Donnelly

Marathon & Ultra Running Podcast - With Suman Silwal - A podcast by MarathonRuns - MRuns

MR87: In this week's episode, Donna and I talked with Susan Donnelly. Susan ran more than 100x100 mile races around the world. She brings the wealth of experience, knowledge, and stories of ultra running. She has a great story to tell us about her running journey. In this episode, we talked about many topics including distinguishing between pain and discomfort, how to run 200+miles races, etc. Great interview with a true pioneer of ultra running. Summary: In this episode, Susan, Donna, and I about: -Susan's running journey from high-school runner to ultra distance runner. -Running 100 miles races -Running 200+miles race -Distinguishing between pain and discomfort, -more Susan's blog: https://susan-donnelly-xpzk.squarespace.com More about Susan: https://susan-donnelly-xpzk.squarespace.com/about-index/ Music by: bensound.com Enjoy, Share and Subscribe!