Episode 48: Manjula Martin

Marginally | a podcast about writing, work, and friendship - A podcast by Marginally Podcast


Today's guest is Manjula Martin, the creator of Who Pays Writers and the editor of Scratch: Writers, Money, and the Art of Making a Living . Her writing has appeared in the Virginia Quarterly Review, Pacific Standard, Aeon Magazine, Hazlitt Magazine, Nieman Storyboard, and The Awl, among other publications. Martin’s next nonfiction book will be Fruit Trees for Every Garden, cowritten with Orin Martin, forthcoming in Fall 2019 from Ten Speed Press. Martin is the managing editor of Zoetrope: All-Story, the National Magazine Award–winning fiction and art magazine published by Francis Ford Coppola. She has previously worked in varied editorial and writing capacities with book and magazine publishers, nonprofit organizations, and arts organizations. She lives in San Francisco. You can find her at manjulamartin.com. We talk about: What Manjula has learned from many years of writing, blogging and editing about writers and money; Balancing (or not) many creative projects when you have a day job; The importance of prioritizing the work you consider to be your art; YOLO; Her gardening book coming out in 2019; Branding and genre-hopping As always, we'd love for you to take a minute to rate and review usin your podcast app, as this helps other listeners find the show.  Visit our website, marginallypodcast.com, for complete show notes and to get in touch. Find us on Instagram @marginallypodcastor Facebook. Meghan's on Twitter @meghanembee, and Olivia’s @roamingolivia Theme music is "It's Time" by Scaricá Ricascá