Capital Advisory Group Part III: A view from U.S. Public Pensions on Alternative Investments
Making Sense - A podcast by J.P. Morgan

How have U.S. Public Pensions’ investments into alternatives shifted in recent years? In this podcast episode, Danielle Kaul from our Capital Advisory Group explores this recent shift with guest-speakers Laura Lincoln, senior portfolio manager at Utah Retirement Systems (URS), and Jason Rector, senior analyst at State of Wisconsin Investment Board (SWIB). Lincoln and Rector discuss their asset allocation and share their insights on recent industry trends. The views in this podcast do not necessarily reflect the views of JPMorgan Chase & Co. or its affiliates. This communication is provided for information purposes only. JPMorgan Chase & Co. or its affiliates (collectively, J.P. Morgan) normally make a market and trade as principal in securities, other financial products and other asset classes that may be discussed in this communication. For additional disclaimers and regulatory disclosures, please consult: This communication is provided for informational purposes only. JP Morgan Chase or its affiliates, collectively J.P. Morgan, normally make a market and trade as principal in securities, other financial products and other asset classes that may be discussed in this communication.